Valid to UK only
German Steyr Heavy Car 3 x 1/72nd German Steyr Heavy Cars. Each sprue contains options to build early or late variants, open windows, canvas roof up or down and contains crew figures.
Tiger-1, Mid Version 1:35 Dimensions L241 x W102
1/72nd Sherman M4A2 3 tank with 3 gun variants, 75mm, 76mm and 105mm. Each sprue gives options to build either a 75mm or 76mm version and comes with 2 commander figures - UK or US
Rubicon 28mm wargame models. A WWII German Amphibious Type 166 Schwimmwagen Plastic kit with build options. Requires assembly.
Rubicon 28mm wargame models. German WWII Volkswagen Beetle Type 1 "Kafer". Plastic kit with build options. Requires assembly and painting.
Rubicon 28mm wargame models. German WWII Krupp Protze Kfz 69/70 6x4 Utility Truck / Artillery Tractor. Plastic kit with build options. Requires assembly and painting.
M3A1 Scout Car (Early & Late production) - Early or late production model - One M2 HMG, two M1919 MMG and two M11917 HMG - 3 crew (driver, side passenger, and MG gunner) - Optional tarpaulin top - M3A1 Radio Car conversion available separately - Number of Parts: 85 pieces / 2 sprues + 1 cab body
Soviet BA-3 / BA-6 Heavy Armoured Car - Options to build either a BA-3 or BA-6 - Comes with open or closed turret hatches - One piece chassis for easy assembly - Optional auxiliary “overall” tracks - Number of Parts: 47 pieces / 1 sprue + 1 cab body
Soviet BA-10 Heavy Armoured Car - Comes with open or closed turret hatches - One piece chassis for easy assembly - Optional auxiliary “overall” tracks - Number of Parts: 50 pieces / 1 sprue + 1 cab body + 1 turret
Rubicon 28mm wargame models. Domestic Furniture Set - Includes bed, wardrobe, tables chairs etc. Plastic kit requiring assembly and painting.